- Setup SQL Server on Linux VM
- Import BACPAC File Created from Azure SQL Database
- Import DACPAC file to SQL Server
- SQL Server Performance Queries
- SQL Server IO Stall Statistics
- Change Database Recover Model
- Azure Useful Queries
- Deadlocks in Azure SQL Database
- Azure SQL Database Connectivity Architecture
- Azure Database Firewall Queries
- Stored Procedure Error Logging
- Memory-Optimized Tables
- Brute force attack on SQL Server
- When Does SQL Server Trial Edition Expire?
- SQL Injection attack on Website hosted on EC2 Machine
- Install SQL Server Docker Container on Linux
- SQL Server Optimizations for High Concurrency
- ScriptOut Change Tracking Tables
- How to become DBA favorite Developer
- AWS RDS First Touch Penalty
- Useful Free Tools and Books
- AWS SQL Server RDS Native Backup Restore
- Dynamic SQL Search Stored Procedure
- Caching SQL Server Tables After Restart
- Dynamically Restore SQL Server Database from Backup
- Launching AWS SQL Server RDS
- Change SQL Server Authentication login password
- SQL Server Recursion / CTE
- AWS RDS vs Azure vs Managed Services for SQL Server
- SQL Server – Set Max Memory
- SQL Server Internal Versions
- Remove Procedure Cache and Reset Wait Stats
- Common Sense RDBMS Patterns
- SQL Server System Info
- SQL Server :Transfer Logins from One Instance to Another Instance
- SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups
- SQL Server Mirroring
- SQL Server Hardware Selection
- TempDB Contention
- Concurrency and Storage Needs
- How to handle Perennial statement of “Our Database is SLOW”?
- Snapshot Isolation in SQL Server
- SQL Server Locking
- Random GUID or Sequential GUID
- More CPU’s in SQL Server : Does it Help or Hurt? (MAXDOP)
- SQL Handle and Plan Handle to Text – Quick Reference
- MERGE Statement and Deadlocks
- Issues with Shrinking or Truncating SIMPLE Recovery Mode Database
- SQL Server Login Properties
- Truncate Log – Rebuild Indexes – Statistics
- Stored Procedure Error Logging
- Bulk Load Data Files in S3 Bucket into Aurora RDS
- MYSQL / AURORA Database Troubleshooting
- Memory-Optimized Tables
- Brute force attack on SQL Server
- AWS Data Pipeline & Load S3 File Into MySQL
- AWS Regions and Availability Zones
- How to become DBA favorite Developer
- AWS SLA Summary
- AWS RDS First Touch Penalty
- Useful Free Tools and Books
- AWS RDS API Reference
- AWS SQL Server RDS Native Backup Restore
- Launching AWS SQL Server RDS
- SQL Server Recursion / CTE
- AWS RDS vs Azure vs Managed Services for SQL Server
- SQL Server Internal Versions
- Remove Procedure Cache and Reset Wait Stats
- AWS AURORA RDS – Loading Billion Rows
- Amazon reInvent 2015 Las Vegas
- Importing and Exporting Data From a MySQL DB Instance
- Amazon RDS Information
- MySQL Ramp Up
- MERGE Statement and Deadlocks
- SQL Server – Read Errorlog
- SQL Server Optimizations for High Concurrency
- TempDB Contention
- Snapshot Isolation in SQL Server
- Temporary Tables Vs Table Variables
- Removing Additional Data Files from TempDB
- Checklist for SQL Server Installation
- Install and Run SQL Server Docker Container on Mac
- SQL Injection attack on Website hosted on EC2 Machine
- AWS Data Pipeline & Load S3 File Into MySQL
- AWS SLA Summary
- Remote Host Identification SSH Error
- AWS VPC Primer
- Random Errors
- Attaching Volume to EC2 Instance
- NGINX Protect Domain through Password
- Install S3CMD tools on EC2 Instance.
- MYSQL / AURORA Database Troubleshooting
- AWS AURORA RDS – Loading Billion Rows
- Amazon reInvent 2015 Las Vegas
- Importing and Exporting Data From a MySQL DB Instance
- MySQL Ramp Up
- SQL Server or MySQL for our Business Needs?
- MySQL and phpMyAdmin Setup
- Bash Scripts
- Nginx and PHP-FPM Setup
- Monitoring Linux VM Resources
- Setup SQL Server on Linux VM
- OctoberCMS Development Tips
- Inspect curl Requests headers
- Import DACPAC file to SQL Server
- SQL Server Performance Queries
- SQL Server IO Stall Statistics
- Azure – Troubleshooting
- Change Database Recover Model
- Deadlocks in Azure SQL Database
- Azure SQL Database Connectivity Architecture
- Azure Database Firewall Queries
- Videos Watched
- Bulk Load Data Files in S3 Bucket into Aurora RDS
- MYSQL / AURORA Database Troubleshooting
- When Does SQL Server Trial Edition Expire?
- SQL Injection attack on Website hosted on EC2 Machine
- AWS Data Pipeline & Load S3 File Into MySQL
- AWS Regions and Availability Zones
- SQL Server Optimizations for High Concurrency
- Looking Back at 2016 !!
- Restrict S3 bucket Access to VPC
- ScriptOut Change Tracking Tables
- Database Development Standards
- AWS SLA Summary
- AWS RDS First Touch Penalty
- Remote Host Identification SSH Error
- AWS SQL Server RDS Native Backup Restore
- Dynamic SQL Search Stored Procedure
- Caching SQL Server Tables After Restart
- Dynamically Restore SQL Server Database from Backup
- Launching AWS SQL Server RDS
- Change SQL Server Authentication login password
- AWS RDS vs Azure vs Managed Services for SQL Server
- SQL Server – Set Max Memory
- Remove Procedure Cache and Reset Wait Stats
- Common Sense RDBMS Patterns
- Multi-Tenant Configurations
- Configurations : Web Config or Database?
- SQL Server System Info
- SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups
- AWS Solution Architect Preparation
- Highly Scalable Fault Tolerant Scalable Systems Considertions
- AWS VPC Primer
- Random Errors
- Apache Drill Setup and Usuage
- How to handle Perennial statement of “Our Database is SLOW”?
- Random GUID or Sequential GUID
- Change SQL Server Authentication login password
- Backup-Zip-Copy-Unzip-Restore-Notify SQL Server Databases
- Import Excel Into SQL Server
- Run SQL Scripts using PowerShell
- LAMP Stack Setup on El Capitan
- MySQL Ramp Up
- Apache Drill Setup and Usuage
- Attaching Volume to EC2 Instance
- NGINX Protect Domain through Password
- NGINX and APACHE URL Redirects
- Change HostName in Linux Machines
- PHP Drivers for MSSQL Issues
- Helpful Linux Commands
- Git Cheat Sheet
- MySQL and phpMyAdmin Setup
- Install S3CMD tools on EC2 Instance.
- Setup EC2 Instance with NGINX and PHP-FPM
- NGINX – SSL Certificate Setup
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