AWS RDS API Reference

AWS RDS API Reference

Some of the RDS API command usuage . Editable parameters list for SQL Server.

AWS RDS Options Group 

aws rds  describe-option-group-options --engine-name sqlserver-se

AWS RDS SQLServer SE 12.0 Parameter Groups

aws rds describe-db-parameters --db-parameter-group-name default.sqlserver-se-12.0

AWS RDS Instance Details

aws rds describe-db-instances
aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier ramblingsofraju-aws-prod

AWS RDS Options Group Options Result

aws rds  describe-option-group-options --engine-name sqlserver-se
SQLServer Database Mirroringsqlserver-seMirroring
SQLServer Database Level Customer Backups and Restoressqlserver-seSQLSERVER_BACKUP_RESTORESpecifies the IAM role ARN used by RDS to backup and restore to and from customer's S3 bucket(s)DYNAMICIAM_ROLE_ARN
SQLServer Database Mirroringsqlserver-seMirroring
SQLServer Database Level Customer Backups and Restoressqlserver-seSQLSERVER_BACKUP_RESTORESpecifies the IAM role ARN used by RDS to backup and restore to and from customer's S3 bucket(s)DYNAMICIAM_ROLE_ARN
SQLServer Database Mirroringsqlserver-seMirroring
SQLServer Database Level Customer Backups and Restoressqlserver-seSQLSERVER_BACKUP_RESTORESpecifies the IAM role ARN used by RDS to backup and restore to and from customer's S3 bucket(s)DYNAMICIAM_ROLE_ARN

AWS RDS SQLServer SE 12.0 Parameter Groups

aws rds describe-db-parameters --db-parameter-group-name default.sqlserver-se-12.0

Parameters Group Parameters Result

Returns the resources and types of locks participating in a deadlock and also the current command affected.booleantrue0,101204
Disables lock escalation based on memory pressure, or based on number of locks. The SQL Server Database Engine will not escalate row or page locks to table locks.booleantrue0,101211
Returns the resources and types of locks that are participating in a deadlock and also the current command affected, in an XML format that does not comply with any XSD schema.booleantrue0,101222
Disables lock escalation based on the number of locks. However, memory pressure can still activate lock escalation.booleantrue0,101224
Disables parallel checking of objects by DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP, and DBCC CHECKTABLE.booleantrue0,102528
Disable hardware compression for tape drivers.booleanfalse0,103205
Suppress log entries for backup operations.booleanfalse0,113226
Limits the amount of information returned in error messages.booleanfalse0,103625
Controls multiple query optimizer changes previously made under multiple trace flags.booleantrue0,104199
Makes server-level metadata visible to application roles.booleantrue0,104616
Disables generation of a memory dump on the first occurrence of an out-of-memory exception in CLR integration.booleantrue0,106527
Enables a dedicated administrator connection (DAC) on SQL Server Express.booleanfalse0,107806
Number of has buckets used by the internal access check result cacheintegerfalse0-163840access check cache bucket count
Number of entries used by the internal access check result cacheintegerfalse0-21474836470access check cache quota
Enable ad hoc distributed queries using OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCEbooleantrue0,10ad hoc distributed queries
Bind disk I/O to specified subset of CPUsintegerfalse-2147483648-21474836470affinity i/o mask
Dynamically control CPU affinityintegerfalse-2147483648-21474836470affinity mask
Enable the SQL Server Agent extended stored procedures on this servebooleanfalse0,11agent xps
Setting has no effectbooleanfalse0,10allow updates
Default on whether to use compression during backupsbooleanfalse0,11backup compression default
Default on whether to use compression during backupsintegertrue0-864000blocked process threshold (s)
Enable C2 auditingbooleantrue0,10c2 audit mode
Whether assemblies can be run by SQL Serverbooleantrue0,10clr enabled
Enable contained databases authentication to create or attach contained databases to Database Engine without authenticating a login at the Database Engine levelbooleantrue0,10contained database authentication
Threshold at which Microsoft SQL Server creates and runs parallel plans for queriesintegertrue0-327675cost threshold for parallelism
Configure cross-database ownership chaining for an instance of Microsoft SQL Serverbooleantrue0,10cross db ownership chaining
Number of rows in the cursor set at which cursor keysets are generated asynchronouslyintegertrue-1-2147483647-1cursor threshold
Enable Database Mail on the serverbooleanfalse0,10database mail xps
Default language value for full-text indexed columnsintegerfalse0-21474836471033default full-text language
Default lanaguage for all newly created loginsintegertrue0-99990default language
Enable or disable the default trace log filesbooleantrue0,11default trace enabled
Whether triggers can return result setsbooleantrue0,10disallow results from triggers
Change the FILESTREAM access level for this instance of SQL Serverintegerfalse0-20filestream access level
Server-wide default fill-factor valueintegertrue0-1000fill factor (%)
Maximum size to which the ppool of large memory buffers can grow for full-text searchingintegerfalse0-32767100ft crawl bandwidth (max)
Minimum size to which the ppool of large memory buffers can grow for full-text searchingintegerfalse0-327670ft crawl bandwidth (min)
Maximum size to which the pool of small memory buffers can grow for full-text searchingintegerfalse0-32767100ft notify bandwidth (max)
Minimum size to which the pool of small memory buffers can grow for full-text searchingintegerfalse0-327670ft notify bandwidth (min)
Control default outcome of transactions that the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) is unable to resolveintegerfalse0-20in-doubt xact resolution
Maximum amount of memory initially allocated for creating indexesintegertrue0,704-21474836470index create memory (kb)
Whether to switch to fiber mode schedulingbooleantrue0,10lightweight pooling
Maximum number of available locksintegertrue0,5000-21474836470locks
Number of processors to use in a parallel plan executionintegertrue0-640max degree of parallelism
Number of partitions that Microsoft SQL Server should use during a full index crawlintegerfalse0-2564max full-text crawl range
Maximum amount of memory in megabytes in the buffer pool used by an instance of Microsoft SQL Serverintegertrue16-2147483647{DBInstanceClassMemory/1048576}max server memory (mb)
Maximum size in bytes of text, ntext, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), xml, and image data that can be added to a replicated column or captured in a single INSERT, UPDATE, WRITETEXT, or UPDATETEXT statementintegerfalse-1-214748364765536max text repl size (b)
Number of worker threads available to Microsoft SQL Server processesintegertrue0,128-327670max worker threads
System-wide default length of time to retain each backup setintegerfalse0-3650media retention
Minimum amount of memory in kilobytes that are allocated for the execution of a queryintegertrue512-21474836471024min memory per query (kb)
Minimum amount of memory in megabytes in the buffer pool used by an instance of Microsoft SQL Serverintegerfalse0-21474836470min server memory (mb)
Control whether an AFTER trigger can cascadebooleantrue0,11nested triggers
Packet size (in bytes) used across the entire networkintegertrue512-327674096network packet size (b)
Whether OLE Automation objects can be instantiated within Transact-SQL batchesbooleanfalse0,10ole automation procedures
Setting has no effectintegerfalse0-21474836470open objects
Improve efficiency of the plan cache for workloads that contain many single use ad hoc batchesbooleantrue0,10optimize for ad hoc workloads
Time, in seconds, that the full-text protocol handler should wait to connect to a database before timing-outintegerfalse1-360060ph timeout (s)
Whether Microsoft SQL Server should run at a higher Windows Server scheduling priority than other processes on the same computerbooleanfalse0,10priority boost
Upper limit on the time period in which query can runintegertrue0-21474836470query governor cost limit
Time in seconds that a query waits for resources before timing outintegertrue-1-2147483647-1query wait (s)
Maximum number of minutes per database that Microsoft SQL Server needs to recover databasesintegerfalse0-327670recovery interval (min)
Control the execution of stored procedure from local or remote servers on which instances of Microsoft SQL Server are runningbooleantrue0,11remote access
Enable client applications on remote computers to use the dedicated administrator connection (DAC)booleanfalse0,10remote admin connections
Number of seconds to wait before returning from a failed attempt to log in to a remote serverintegertrue0-214748364720remote login timeout (s)
Protect the actions of a server-to-server procedure through a Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC) transactionbooleanfalse0,10remote proc trans
How long, in seconds, a remote operation can take before Microsoft SQL Server times outintegertrue0-2147483647600remote query timeout (s)
Internal use onlybooleanfalse0,10replication xps
Scan for automatic execution of stored procedures at Microsoft SQL Server startup timebooleanfalse0,10scan for startup procs
Whether to allow server-level triggers to fire recursivelybooleantrue0,11server trigger recursion
Setting has no effectbooleanfalse0,10set working set size
Display the sp_configure system stored procedure advanced optionsbooleanfalse0,11show advanced options
Enable SQL Server Management Object (SMO) and SQL Distributed Management Object (SQL-DMO) extended stored procedures on this serverbooleantrue0,11smo and dmo xps
Suppress an error message if noise words cause a Boolean operation on a full-text query to return zero rowsbooleanfalse0,10transform noise words
Cutoff year for interpreting two-digit years as four-digit yearsintegertrue1753-99992049two digit year cutoff
Maximum number of simultaneous user connections. Please note that the service may use up to 40 connections for system maintenance.integertrue0,40-327670user connections
Specify global default query processing options for all usersintegerfalse0-327670user options
Enable whether the xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure can be executed on the systembooleanfalse0,10xp_cmdshell

AWS RDS Instance Details

aws rds describe-db-instances
aws rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier ramblingsofraju-aws-prod
Instance PropertyValue
DBSubnetGroup/DBSubnetGroupDescriptionCreated from the RDS Management Console


AWS RDS API Reference

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