Setup BIND Server
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Setup BIND Server

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Setup Bind Server 


Azure DNS Private Resolver - Azure Example Scenarios | Microsoft Learn

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% az container exec --resource-group east-asia-site-site-rg --name bind-server --exec-command "/bin/bash"
RVenkataraman@eMetrics-MBP ~ % az container exec --resource-group east-asia-site-site-rg --name bind-server --exec-command "/bin/sh"   

/ # cat /etc/resolv.conf 


/etc/network/if-up.d # cd /etc/bind/
/etc/bind # ls
bind.keys                 named.conf                named.conf.authoritative  named.conf.recursive      rndc.key
/etc/bind # ls 
bind.keys                 named.conf                named.conf.authoritative  named.conf.recursive      rndc.key
/etc/bind # ls -l
total 16
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            49 Nov 15  2020 bind.keys -> ../../usr/share/dnssec-root/bind-dnssec-root.keys
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           310 Nov 15  2020 named.conf
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          1835 Aug 28  2020 named.conf.authoritative
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          3897 Aug 28  2020 named.conf.recursive
-rw-------    1 named    named          100 Nov 15  2020 rndc.key
/etc/bind # cat named.conf
options {
        recursion yes;
        allow-query { any; }; # do not expose externally
        forwarders {
        forward only;
        dnssec-validation no; # needed for private dns zones
        auth-nxdomain no; # conform to RFC1035
        listen-on { any; };
/etc/bind # cat named.conf.recursive 
// Copy this file to /etc/bind/named.conf if you want to run bind as a
// recursive DNS resolver. If you want to run an authoritative nameserver
// instead, see /etc/bind/named.conf.authoritative.
// BIND supports using the same daemon as both authoritative nameserver and
// recursive resolver; it supports this because it is the oldest and original
// nameserver and so was designed before it was realized that combining these
// functions is inadvisable.
// In actual fact, combining these functions is a very bad idea. It is thus
// recommended that you run a given instance of BIND as either an authoritative
// nameserver or recursive resolver, not both. The example configuration herein
// provides a starting point for running a recursive resolver.
// You should note that running an open DNS resolver (that is, a resolver which
// answers queries from any globally routable IP) makes the resolver vulnerable
// to abuse in the form of reflected DDoS attacks.
// These attacks are now widely prevalent on the open internet. Even if
// unadvertised, attackers can and will find your resolver by portscanning the
// global IPv4 address space.
// In one case the traffic generated using such an attack reached 300 Gb/s (!).
// It is therefore imperative that you take care to configure the resolver to
// only answer queries from IP address space you trust or control. See the
// "allow-recursion" directive below.
// Bear in mind that with these attacks, the "source" of a query will actually
// be the intended target of a DDoS attack, so this only protects other networks
// from attack, not your own; ideally therefore you should firewall DNS traffic
// at the borders of your network to eliminate spoofed traffic.
// This is a complex issue and some level of understanding of these attacks is
// advisable before you attempt to configure a resolver.

options {
	directory "/var/bind";

	// Specify a list of CIDR masks which should be allowed to issue recursive
	// queries to the DNS server. Do NOT specify here; see above.
	allow-recursion {;

	// If you want this resolver to itself resolve via means of another recursive
	// resolver, uncomment this block and specify the IP addresses of the desired
	// upstream resolvers.
	//forwarders {

	// By default the resolver will attempt to perform recursive resolution itself
	// if the forwarders are unavailable. If you want this resolver to fail outright
	// if the upstream resolvers are unavailable, uncomment this directive.
	//forward only;

	// Configure the IPs to listen on here.
	listen-on {; };
	listen-on-v6 { none; };

	// If you have problems and are behind a firewall:
	//query-source address * port 53;

	pid-file "/var/run/named/";

	// Removing this block will cause BIND to revert to its default behaviour
	// of allowing zone transfers to any host (!). There is no need to allow zone
	// transfers when operating as a recursive resolver.
	allow-transfer { none; };

// Briefly, a zone which has been declared delegation-only will be effectively
// limited to containing NS RRs for subdomains, but no actual data beyond its
// own apex (for example, its SOA RR and apex NS RRset). This can be used to
// filter out "wildcard" or "synthesized" data from NAT boxes or from
// authoritative name servers whose undelegated (in-zone) data is of no
// interest.
// See  for more info

//zone "COM" { type delegation-only; };
//zone "NET" { type delegation-only; };

zone "." IN {
	type hint;
	file "";

zone "localhost" IN {
	type master;
	file "pri/";
	allow-update { none; };
	notify no;

zone "" IN {
	type master;
	file "pri/";
	allow-update { none; };
	notify no;
/etc/bind # 
This topic was modified 2 years ago 4 times by Raju
Topic starter Posted : 12/12/2022 9:57 pm
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networking - How can I refresh resolv.conf after changing the resolv options in the interfaces file? - Ask Ubuntu



sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup -v eth0

This post was modified 2 years ago by Raju
Topic starter Posted : 12/12/2022 10:27 pm