Looking Back at 2016 !!

Gratitude Reflecting on year 2016, I feel so fortunate and lucky for my experiences. In professional side, there are gazillion things where we don’t have direct or complete control but that directly impacts our company performance as well as employees individual lives in profound manner and those …

ScriptOut Change Tracking Tables

ScriptOut Change Tracking Tables SELECT sys.schemas.name AS Schema_name , sys.tables.name AS Table_name , ‘ALTER TABLE ‘ + QUOTENAME(sys.schemas.name) + ‘.’ + QUOTENAME(sys.tables.name) + ‘ ENABLE CHANGE_TRACKING WITH (TRACK_COLUMNS_UPDATED = ON) ‘ + CHAR(13) AS SQLScript FROM sys.change_tracking_tables JOIN sys.tables ON sys.tables.object_id = sys.change_tracking_tables.object_id JOIN sys.schemas …

Petition to Support H.R.213

Petition to Support H.R.213 – Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2015 From : Raju Venkataraman 22202 Estate Hill Drive San Antonio TX- 78258 To : Congressman San Antonio, TX 78258 My Experiences as H1B Visa Worker from India I am Raju Venkataraman, 38 years old …