Change Database Recover Model USE master DECLARE @isql VARCHAR(2000), @dbname VARCHAR(64), @logfile VARCHAR(128) DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT, AS logfile –, physical_name AS current_file_location, size FROM sys.master_files mf INNER JOIN sys.databases d ON mf.database_id = d.database_id WHERE recovery_model_desc <> ‘SIMPLE’ AND NOT …
Deadlocks in Azure SQL Database
Deadlocks in Azure SQL Database : Recently we were working with Azure Logic Apps to invoke Azure Functions. By Default, Logic App runs parallel threads and we didn’t explicitly control the concurrency and left the default values. So Logic App invoked several concurrent threads which …
Azure SQL Database Connectivity Architecture
Azure SQL Database Connectivity Architecture Connection policy Azure SQL Database supports the following three options for the connection policy setting of a SQL Database server: Redirect (recommended): Clients establish connections directly to the node hosting the database. To enable connectivity, the clients must allow outbound firewall …
Azure Database Firewall Queries
— Server Level Firewall Rules SELECT * FROM sys.firewall_rules — Database Level Firewall Rules SELECT * FROM sys.database_firewall_rules — — Remove server level firewall setting EXECUTE sp_delete_firewall_rule N’AllowAllWindowsAzureIps’; — Remove database-level firewall setting EXECUTE sp_delete_database_firewall_rule N’Allow Azure’; — Add database-level firewall setting EXECUTE sp_set_database_firewall_rule N’Allow …
Videos Watched
Videos Watched October 201 October 20 Meet My Next Guest, Richard M Stallman October 21 Monitor your infrastructure and analyze operational logs at scale with Azure Monitor – BRK3354 Uncle” Bob Martin – “The Future of Programming October 29 The Principles …
Bulk Load Data Files in S3 Bucket into Aurora RDS
Bulk Load Data Files in S3 Bucket into Aurora RDS We typically get data feeds from our clients ( usually about ~ 5 – 20 GB) worth of data. We download these data files to our lab environment and use shell scripts to load the data …
MYSQL / AURORA Database Troubleshooting
Number of Connections by Host SELECT SUBSTRING(HOST, 1, 10) , DB,USER , COUNT(*) AS Count FROM information_schema.processlist group by SUBSTRING(HOST, 0, 10) , DB,USER ORDER BY Count desc ; — ‘’, ‘Portal’, ‘webguest-dev’, ’46’ Aurora Max Connections select AURORA_VERSION(); select * from mysql.slow_log where sql_text …
When Does SQL Server Trial Edition Expire?
When Does SQL Server Trial Edition Expire? I installed SQL Server Docker Container on Linux Machine running on EC2. I took the AMI Image and launched the existing container and wanted to know when will the SQL Server licence expires on Docker container. It expires …
SQL Injection attack on Website hosted on EC2 Machine
SQL Injection attack on Website hosted on EC2 Machine: I setup a website with publicly available dataset. As soon as I launched website, numerous trolls and automated bots sending traffic to identify the vulnerabilities. Safe-Guards I have taken so far : Provisioned Least privileged accounts to …
AWS Data Pipeline & Load S3 File Into MySQL
Getting started with AWS Data Pipeline AWS Data Pipeline is a web service that you can use to automate the movement and transformation of data. With AWS Data Pipeline, you can define data-driven workflows, so that tasks can be dependent on the successful completion of previous …