Number of Connections by HostÂ
SELECT SUBSTRING(HOST, 1, 10) , DB,USER , COUNT(*) AS Count FROM information_schema.processlist group by SUBSTRING(HOST, 0, 10) , DB,USER ORDER BY Count desc ; -- '', 'Portal', 'webguest-dev', '46'
Aurora Max Connections
select AURORA_VERSION(); select * from mysql.slow_log where sql_text not like '%LOAD DATA%' order by query_time desc limit 1000 ; select count(*) from mysql.general_log where user_host not like 'rdsadmin%' and user_host not like '[rdsadmin]%' and event_time > '2017-06-15 18:51:14'; select current_timestamp(); desc mysql.general_log ; select @@MAX_CONNECTIONS -- '4000' select * from mysql.general_log where command_type like '%Connect%'; select * from mysql.general_log_backup where command_type like '%Connect%' ; SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE '%Connection_errors%'; SHOW STATUS WHERE `variable_name` = 'Threads_connected';