MYSQL / AURORA Database Troubleshooting

Number of Connections by Host  SELECT SUBSTRING(HOST, 1, 10) , DB,USER , COUNT(*) AS Count FROM information_schema.processlist group by SUBSTRING(HOST, 0, 10) , DB,USER ORDER BY Count desc ; — ‘’, ‘Portal’, ‘webguest-dev’, ’46’ Aurora Max Connections select AURORA_VERSION(); select * from mysql.slow_log where sql_text …

Memory-Optimized Tables

Monitor Memory Optimized Table Space Usage : ; WITH system_allocated_memory ( system_allocated_memory_in_mb ) AS ( SELECT ISNULL(( SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(18, 2), ( SUM(TMS.memory_allocated_for_table_kb) + SUM(TMS.memory_allocated_for_indexes_kb) ) / 1024.00) FROM [sys].[dm_db_xtp_table_memory_stats] TMS WHERE TMS.object_id <= 0 ), 0.00) ), table_index_memory ( table_used_memory_in_mb, table_unused_memory_in_mb, index_used_memory_in_mb, index_unused_memory_in_mb ) AS …

SQL Injection attack on Website hosted on EC2 Machine

SQL Injection attack on Website hosted on EC2 Machine: I setup a website with publicly available dataset. As soon as I launched website, numerous trolls and automated bots sending traffic to identify the vulnerabilities. Safe-Guards I have taken so far : Provisioned Least privileged accounts to …