Steps to Restore .bak SQL Server backup file to Amazon SQL Server RDS
Step by Step Guide to backup and restore SQL Server backups on AWS RDS through S3 Buckets.
Dynamic SQL Search Stored Procedure
Dynamic SQL Search Stored Procedure
This also includes how to safeguard against SQL Injection by escaping single quotes through SQL function.
Caching SQL Server Tables After Restart
SQL Server Cached Pages and ways to bring data pages to memory
We noticed considerable latency in stored procedure execution after restarting SQL Server Instance which was triggered by accessing data from disks instead of memory. So we ended up writing a simple script to bring data pages to memory. This helped us to avoid first touch penalty after restart in production environment.
Dynamically Restore SQL Server Database from Backup
Dynamically Restore SQL Server Database from Backup We always get requests to restore databases from production to lab environment.This script dynamically restores the backup file and moves the data and log files to default locations. /****************************************************************************************************** ** Project: Operations ** Issue: Restore Database from Backup …
Launching AWS SQL Server RDS
Learning from Launching AWS SQL Server RDS
We are evaluating options to migrate our read/write heavy production SQL Server database to amazon SQL Server RDS. We have pretty high throughput needs for few hours a day for few months in a year ,which is mission critical for our business success. We are evaluating pros and cons of moving to amazon RDS with provisioned IOPS. Current hosted provider doesn’t offer on-demand scaling solution .
Change SQL Server Authentication login password
We have numerous applications using SQL Login accounts . Simple powershell scripts saves time for rotating passwords for SQL Logins.