Apache Drill Setup and Usuage: Install and Configure Apache Drill http://drill.apache.org/docs/installing-drill-on-windows/ sqlline> !connect “jdbc:drill:zk=local” Enter username for jdbc:drill:zk=local: admin Enter password for jdbc:drill:zk=local: ***** http://localhost:8047/ SELECT derivedtable.ItemID ,AVG( CAST (derivedtable.TimeSpent AS INTEGER)) AvgTimeSpent FROM ( SELECT rawresponsetime.Time10.`id` ItemID ,rawresponsetime.Time10.`value` `TimeSpent` FROM ( SELECT (flatten(`time`)) `Time10`, …
TempDB Contention
TempDB contention: TempDB plays very crucial in well performing SQL Server engine. These are few simple design decisions , which helps to avoid the performance bottlenecks in the long run. As a general rule, if the number of logical processors is less than or equal to …
Concurrency and Storage Needs
Concurrency and Storage Needs : Requirements: We operate on K-12 Online Summative Market. Our Needs are: When Kids log-in to take the test, they should be able to login without any issues. Should be able to store their responses and score them on the fly …
How to handle Perennial statement of “Our Database is SLOW”?
How to handle Perennial statement of “Our Database is SLOW”? I have been involved with Database and Product Development for a decade in different Verticals. I have heard this statement more than I could count “Database is Slow”,”Database is the reason”. I worked for .COM …