Database Mail check to ensure it is operational: USE msdb GO SELECT * FROM sysmail_allitems GO SELECT * FROM sysmail_sentitems GO SELECT * FROM sysmail_unsentitems GO SELECT * FROM dbo.sysmail_faileditems GO SELECT * FROM dbo.sysmail_mailitems GO SELECT * FROM dbo.sysmail_log GO Mail Accounts and Profile …
Temporary Tables Vs Table Variables
Temporary Tables Vs Table Variables Table Variables : No Transaction Log Overhead No Lock Overhead No Recompilations No Rollback Maintenance You can only have one Primary Key or UNIQUE Constraint. You can have only one INDEX Usually it doesn’t trigger Statement or Stored Procedure re-compilations …
Hike List in PNW Area
Hike List from Pacific Northwest Collection of photos from Hiking Trips in Pacific Northwest Area. I have done several hikes in Pacific northwest region. Hopefully this information would be helpful for someone who likes to explore and enjoy pristine pacific northwest region. Pacific northwest Hike …
Useful Links and URLS
Useful Links and URLS Cassandra Calender: Learn Ruby: Code Academy – Standford CS Courses: MIT Open Courseware: Khan Academy: Java JDK Path: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home David Malan Page: SQL Server: Nested Loops Explained Hash Join Explained Merge …
NGINX Protect Domain through Password
NGINX Protect Domain through Password It’s very easy to place a simple htpasswd-based authentication system on a domain served by nginx. To do this, you’ll want your server block to look like this: server { listen 80; server_name; root /site/root; index index.html index.htm; auth_basic …
NGINX and APACHE URL Redirects
NGINX APACHE URL Redirects Redirect all the requests to https server { listen 80; server_name; rewrite ^ https://$server_name$request_uri? permanent; } Redirect Specific Pages rewrite /humor /humor/humor.php; rewrite /events/search /Events/events_search.php; rewrite /events/summary /Events/events_summary.php; rewrite /photos /photos/index.php; rewrite /help /Technology/blog.php?ID=344; rewrite /hikes /Technology/blog.php?ID=386; Redirect based on …
Change HostName in Linux Machines
Change HostName in Linux Machines Edit /etc/hostname , make the name change, save the file. You should also make the same changes in /etc/hosts file Run sudo /etc/init.d/hostname restart or sudo service hostname restart /etc/hostname /etc/hosts sudo /etc/init.d/hostname restart sudo service hostname restart
Backup-Zip-Copy-Unzip-Restore-Notify SQL Server Databases
Backup-Zip-Copy-Unzip-Restore SQL Server Databases: I am sure we all try to bring databases from One Environment to Another Environment whether its to accomplish testing, debugging or maintaining the parity between production and lab. I used to spend little bit of time doing these tasks manually , after …
SQL Server : Find SQL Server TCP Port and IP Address
SQL Server : Find SQL Server TCP Port and IP Address SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS ServerName , local_tcp_port,local_net_address FROM sys.dm_exec_connections WHERE session_id = @@SPID Results : ServerName local_tcp_port local_net_address DEVENV\2008R2 59663
SQL Server – Create and Parse Comma Seperated List
XML Approach: Reads : 2 Duration:5 ms Substring Approach: Reads : 16 Duration: 14 ms –declare a variable and populate it with a comma separated string DECLARE @SQLString VARCHAR(MAX) SET @SQLString = N’94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, …