Business Need: Currently we are in the cross-roads of growing from small-mid sized company to large scale K-12 online Test Delivery and reporting Solution provider. We primarily operate on K-12 Summative Market and its absolutely critical for us to provide 100 % accuracy and availability during Student Test windows. …
SQL Server 2014 – Memory Optimized Tables
Our Team Need : We have about 5-500 GB Databases and very few tables ( ~ About 10 tables ) are high volume high concurrency tables. At peak volume, we may write few thousands per second per table. We are in the business of providing …
XACT_ABORT Settings and Connection Timeout Nuances
We have .NET Application connecting to SQL Server database. I have noticed the timeout from the Application while calling the stored Procedure. We didn’t configure any specific timeout limit , so we were using default 30 Sec Timeout. Its pretty big red flag, that the …
SQL Handle to SQL Text
SQL Handle to SQL Text with Statement Start and Statement End: DECLARE @sql_handle VARBINARY(64) , @stmtstart INT , @stmtend INT SELECT @stmtstart = 3268 , @stmtend = 5102 , @sql_handle = 0x03000800d8c3dd70e2f83f01e2a300000100000000000000 SELECT SUBSTRING(qt.text, s.statement_start_offset / 2, ( CASE WHEN s.statement_end_offset = -1 THEN LEN(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), …
Deadlocks : Count , Analysis and Event Notification
SQL Server : Number of Deadlocks since Last SQL Server Restart SELECT sqlserver_start_time AS ServerRestartTime FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE counter_name = ‘Number of Deadlocks/sec’ AND instance_name = ‘_Total’ — Trace Flags to Capture Deadlock Events DBCC TRACESTATUS(1222) DBCC TRACEON(1222,-1) DBCC TRACEOFF(1222,-1) Extended …
SQL Server – Read Errorlog
Enable Audit log to capture successful and failed Logins — To Enable Failed and Successful Logins — Need to Restart the Server for this to effect EXEC xp_instance_regwrite N’HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE’, N’Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer’, N’AuditLevel’, REG_DWORD, 3; GO — Query for Successful Logins EXEC sys.sp_readerrorlog @p1 = 0, — …
Index Pointers
Indexes – Pointers to Consider Max index size – 16 columns or 900 bytes whichever comes first Page Size – 8 KB – 8192 Bytes Storage Available = 8192 Bytes – 96 Bytes for non-data storage = 8096 bytes / Page for Data. Useful DMV: …
SQL Server – Simple Best Practices
SQL Server – Simple Best Practices SET NOCOUNT ON SET NOCOUNT ON prevents the sending of DONE_IN_PROC messages to the client for each statement.This setting SET NOCOUNT to ON can provide a significant performance boost, because network traffic is greatly reduced.The setting specified by SET …
Show Database Size and Last access time
How do you find the last time a database was accessed and size? We had about 108 databases on one of our Test Servers and it was being used by multiple teams and we don’t have comprehensive list of what’s being used by who. Some …
Backup and Restore TimeStamps
Database Restore History How old is the Database if restored from the Backup file : In lab environment , we always get the copy of production database and restore it. Have you ever wondered how old is the database in lab environment. SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 …